Friday, May 1

International Workers Day

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Join the Bail Out the People Movement and
Women's Fightback Contingent to demand:

End the raids & deportations
Humane & Just Immigration Reform
Pass the Employee Free Choice Act
Abolish NAFTA and all Free Trade Agreements
No militarization of the border
Jobs for all at Union Wages
Stop tuition hikes
Housing for all, no more foreclosures
Bail out the People, Not the Banks or Corporations
Stop Police Brutality, No more Racist attacks
Stop Dividing Families Everywhere
Defend Katrina Survivors Right to Return
Money for people, not war, prisons or ICE detentions

East Boston
Central Sq.
2:30 pm - March from Central Sq. to Chelsea
(BOPM/WFN Contingent)
Chelsea City Hall
3:00 pm - March from City Hall to Everett

Everett City Hall
4:30-5:30 pm - Rally/Cultural Celebration

Initiated by: Chelsea Collaborative, La Comunidad Inc., y EBECC.
More info: (617) 889-6080 x108

Report from April 3 & 4 March on Wall Street

In an early sign of what promises to be a growing movement, 1,000 people defied a torrential downpour to rally on Wall Street on Friday, April 3 in response to a national call from the Bail Out the People Movement. The central demands of the demonstration were: 1) a real jobs program; and 2) an immediate moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. read more

In Memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.
National March on Wall St. - April 3 & 4

Get Involved!
Organizers Meeting - Monday, March 23 - 7 pm
Action Center, 284 Amory St. (The Brewery), JP

Reserve your seat on the Bail Out the People Movement buses from Boston, MA and Providence, RI to the April 3 & 4 March on Wall St.

Tickets are $30 + $5 suggested donation for the Transportation Subsidy Fund

April 3 & 4 March on Wall video

  • We Demand Jobs!
  • Moratorium on Evictions & Foreclosures
  • Bailout Workers!
  • Stop Lay-offs & Cutbacks
  • Money for Education NOT for War & Occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan & Palestine
  • Bring the Troops Home
  • Housing & Healthcare Are a right
  • No Transit Fare Hike
  • Bail out Students & Youth
  • Stop the War on Immigrants
  • End Attacks on Women & LGBT People
  • UNITE!

Bail Out the People - Not the Banks!

March on Wall Street on the Anniversary on the day Martin Luther King gave his life fighting for social and economic justice.

Why? Because we must demand that the needs of the people come before the greed of the super rich. Millions are jobless and homeless, and millions more will be living on the streets if the government continues to waste trillions of dollars on saving wealthy bankers instead of saving people.

Dr. King would have been appalled and opposed to the terrible siege of Gaza as well as the continuing occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

And just as King knew that the struggle for civil rights at home had to also be part of the struggle against war abroad, he understood that no one, regardless of their race would be free until everyone had the right to a decent paying job or an income for those unable to work. Most importantly, King also understood that “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.” The time for suffering in silence has come to an end.

Nothing will change unless our desperation and anger is channeled into a mighty movement that unites and fights. It’s time to march on Wall St. Come to the march, and tell everyone you know to come with you.

Endorsers (partial list):
Ad Hoc National Network to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions; Black Workers for Justice, Raleigh, NC; North Carolina Public Service Workers Union-UE Local 150; USW L. 8751, Boston School Bus Drivers; Troops Out Now Coalition; Moratorium Now! Coalition To Stop Foreclosures and Evictions (Michigan); Labor/Community Coalition to Stop Foreclosures and Evictions (Calif.); Service Employees International Union, Local 721; Latino Caucus, SEIU Local 721; BAYAN USA; May 1 Coalition For Worker and Immigrant Rights (NYC); Million Worker March Movement East; Chris Silvera, Sec-Treas., Teamster Local 808; Harlem Tenants Council, New York, NY; Private Health Insurance Must Go Coalition, New York City; NY Charles Barron, member, New York City Council*, Queers for Peace and Justice, Women's Fight back Network (Mass.),Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST youth), International Action Center; Action Center For Justice, Charlotte, NC; Queers Without Borders, Hartford, CT; Maine Green Independent Party; Old Orchard Beach, ME; Guyanese American Workers United, New York, NY; Pakistan USA Freedom Forum * For identification purposes only