May 14, 2009 - Community Summit
Equity & Access to a Quality Education is a Right!

On May 14, 2009 approximately 200 hundred parents, students, teachers, community activists, and trade unionists held a Community Summit at Roxbury Community College to discuss and organize a fightback against the attempts by Menino and the Boston School Committee to re-segregate public schools in Boston. Called by the Coalition for Equal Quality Education this Summit announced plans for a demonstration at the Boston School Committee (26 Court St.) on June 3 at 5:30 pm to demand Equity & Access to a Quality Education is a Right! Stop the Re-Segregation of the Boston Public School System! Excellence & Equity for all students in all schools! Funding for Programs and Staff (no layoffs)!

The Coalition for Equal Quality Education includes: Black Educators’ Alliance of Massachusetts (BEAM); Work-4-Quality Schools; Boston Parents Organizing Network (BPON); USW L. 8751 Boston School Bus Drivers; Councilors Chuck Turner, Charles Yancey, and Sam Yoon; Minister Don Muhammad; Bail Out the People Movement; Women’s Fightback Network; New England Human Rights Organization for Haiti; Bishop Felipe Teixeira, OFSJC; Community Change; Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST); Union of Minority Neighborhoods

For more information: 617-756-3657